SDK Setup
Set Up the ReneVerse SDK inside of Unity.
Last updated
Set Up the ReneVerse SDK inside of Unity.
Last updated
First get SDK from provided download link.
Plugin can be installed directly in your project by placing it in the Plugins folder.
After that rebuild or simply start your project.
Inside your project go to Edit > Plugins, and check if the ReneVerseSDK is enabled.
Your ReneVerseSDK is ready!
To start using ReneVerse Plugin and begin adding and serving ads in your project first go and open Window > ReneVerse API Editor.
In this window, you will enter your ReneVerse API credentials to get/sync the data that you created for your game in the ReneVerse Portal.
In case you missed the previous step of generating your API Credentials, you can register your game and create API Credentials here in Unity by clicking on the Need To Register? button in the ReneVerse Settings menu.
Once you have entered required API and Private keys in two fields, press SyncData button and data for your will be synced and you will be ready to start adding banners and branded objects in your scene.
Inside your project, folder ReneVerse will be created and ReneAPIData data asset and two data tables are placed in it.
These assets hold data for the ad surfaced and branded object placements for your game, as well as your credentials. Keep them safe and in the root of your Content folder. More about the data in the next chapter.
For information on how to continue integration and finally serving ads, continue to next section Using SDK.